This may come as a shock to some of you, but Halo was the best of the series. This is my opinion and is not a reason for all you haters (you know who you are) to start going off on how you love halo 2. You can however point out places where you dissagree and support your claim with evidence. EVIDENCE NOT HYPE.
Halo original was by far the best of the three. At that point Bungie was a fresh some what new game studio. That had a lot of good ideas and a lot of good people to make these ideas a reality. Those ideas came to birth as the single player. Undoubtedly if you are a fan of halo your most fond memories are of your first encounter with the flood or the great levels, such as The Silent Cartopagraher. Everything about this game made sense. The guns were quite balanced, the amount of health was good, the amout of auto aim was good. There were no MELEE LUNGES OF DOOM. Thats one of H1's more charming traits. The speed and grenade abilitys reflected that of a super soldier. And last but not least, the maps were exelently created. The spanws were vary balanced, unlike its next in kin. So why....why mess with the formula? Why make a great game and tweak it so? That question has bugged me for a long while. Heres my hypothesis; Bungie just coming off the high of sucess wanted to make a game that was more easy for people of less skill to kill others. Why, because bungie prolly sucked at their own game(maybe?). So they insead of keeping the long reach of Master Chief, as in h1, they incorperated melee lunges. A mystical force that propelled people into a melee like their mass = the earths or something. Then they took out the AR and replaced it with the BR. Then basicly removed the Pistols power.....You know what I'm just ranting now. discuss.
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